While visiting L.A., we wanted to sample a place Angelinos consider the real deal. Such a place is Pink's Hot Dogs, near the corner of La Brea and Melrose. What began as a simple hot dog cart in 1939 by founders Paul and Betty Pink has become a Hollywood legend among celebrities (Tom Hanks, Nicole Kidman, Snoop Dogg) and common folk (me), who line up for, among other delights, the Today Show (2 hot dogs in one bun, mustard, onions, chili, cheese & guacamole), the Rosie O'Donnell (a 10" stretch dog, topped with mustard, onions, chili and sauerkraut) and the Martha Stewart (a 10" stretch dog, relish, onions, bacon, chopped tomatoes, sauerkraut & sour cream). I chose the Walk of Fame: a dog topped with cole slaw and diced tomatoes, and it was yummy. Their wall of fame boast dozens of autographed photos of celebrities singing the praises of this humble wiener emporium, and who can blame them... the place has a good sign, good eats, and a great name. Here's their website: http://www.pinkshollywood.com/index.htm
Hah! so you're busy showing me my hood. The coroner's gift shop -- whatever made you think to look for that? And now I'll take full credit. Your pictures are slow to download, or my dsl is slow, so I can't tell, but I imagine you're visited by train? You know there's a cloistered convent in Hollywood famous for holiday pumpkin bread? Check it out.
Thanks for the comment. It was an honor to be in your hood. I was hoping the coroner's gift shop would have a body bag that said "My relative went to the L.A. County Coroner's Office Gift Shop and all I got was this lousy body bag" but alas, they don't carry them.
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