I've been doing this blog for a few months and it occurs to me that I have yet to mention any eccentric roadside attractions from my adopted home state of Rhode Island, and, believe you me, they've got one here that is a real dilly. Since 1980, New England Pest Control has had a 58-foot long, 9-foot tall, 4000-pound blue termite on top of their headquarters in Providence, right off of Interstate 95 south. Nibbles Woodaway, as he is known, is a beloved icon to all Rhode Islanders, although most of the natives refer to him simply as the Big Blue Bug. I can't think of a better way to be greeted to the pleasant metropolis of Providence that by an over sized azure insect. A lot of construction has been going on with I-95 lately, and now the highway is going to run even closer to Nibbles. When it's finished, you'll practically be able to reach out and touch him as you whiz by going 65 miles per hour. Rhode Island may be small geographically, but we think big when it comes to eye-catching roadsideabilia. Here's New England Pest Control's way cool website: http://www.bluebug.com/
It would sure take a lot to control a bug that size!
Thanks for visiting Virtual Dime Museum, and pointing me to your blog - just my kind of thing!
Thanks Lidian. I love all the old ads on your sites. They're great!
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