Today is Thanksgiving and I'm thankful to live in a country full of small communities with whimsical names, like Turkeytown, Alabama. I had the pleasure of driving unexpectedly through Turkeytown last fall and had to do a U-turn to snap a picture to document my delight at such a wonderful place. A Google search shows Alabama isn't the only state graced with a Turkeytown: there's a Turkeytown, Pennsylvania, a Turkeytown, Kentucky, and a Turkeytown, Tennessee. North Carolina has a town named Turkey, so that's a Turkey town too. And, of course, Istanbul is a Turkey town, but on a much grander scale. Pass the gravy.
Some might call North Providence "Turkeytown"...but that would be mean. Hey, how did your roof make out in the "flood" and "wind strorm"? I hate it when my roof gets damaged by a flood!
We weathered the"storm"!
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