I was rummaging through some old photos and came across some striking pictures I took of an abandoned drive-in movie theater in 1991. I made no indication on the back of the prints where they were shot, but as best I can figure, they are the Lincoln Theatre of York, Pennsylvania. We were in that area around that time, as I recall, because Sherry's cousin Bobby was getting married in southern Pennsylvania, and I also remember it was kind of rainy on that trip. I consulted the excellent website
driveintheater.com and they list a Lincoln Drive-In in York, so it makes sense to me. I can never resist taking pictures of drive-in theaters if it's at all possible without causing a 10-car pileup or being shot at by an angry land baron in the process. They're so, so cool in so many ways, bringing back happy childhood memories. I also love the weird irony of these big, once-gleaming, hulking icons of the past rotting away. I would imagine by now the Lincoln is long gone and a Staples or Home Depot now sits where snack bars and pajama-clad kids, Moms and Dads on a budget, and young lovers once frolicked. If someone out there can verify or enlighten me a bit further about the fate of this grand old lady, I'd love to know.