Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Dead of Nite:The Nite Owl diner of Fall River, Massachusetts

There's a cute-as-a-button diner in the working class city of Fall River, Massachusetts that's been sitting unused for an astounding 11 years. Diner aficionados will tell you The Nite Owl, on Pleasant Street, is a custom-built DeRaffle model dating back to 1956. It replaced a smaller Worcester Lunch Car (#786 if you're keeping score) that was on the same property perhaps since 1945 (thanks, Larry Cultrera). There's a photo here of the two side by side (along with a really great article about diner historian Richard Gutman). And the great photo realist painter John Baeder painted the Nite Owl in 1991 (looky here). One pictures some of the clientele over the years...Owl Pacino, Owl Gore, Owl Roker, the Rev.Owl Sharpton, Muhammed Owli, The Who. How sad that this comfy place went out of business, yet encouraging that it hasn't been demolished. Any Quixotic diner fans out there ready to give it a go and take it over? That would be a real hoot.


  1. I've loved this little place ever since the late 1980s- adding it to my list of places to save once I win the lottery :-)

  2. Who do I contact about saving the owl ?I would like to operate a business There so can I contact contact me at Flynnrohan@yahoo.com

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  4. Who do I contact about saving the owl ?I would like to operate a business There so can I contact contact me at Flynnrohan@yahoo.com

  5. I'm not sure how recent this link is, but there's a realty company selling the whole block including the diner. GOOD LUCK! http://www.thehousehuntershandbook.com/default.asp?f=listing_details&listingid=363743&listingtype=22

  6. Owk LOVE to see this building reopen as a ice cream shop or something. I live in fallriver 2 blocks away..it will do good for buisness..n for kids.
