Saturday, February 23, 2013

A pigment of my imagination? The big paint can of Shippensburg, Pennsylvania

There's a giant can of Benjamin Moore paint near Exit 24 along Interstate 81 South in central Pennsylvania that will have the eccentric roadside attraction fan doing a double take (or coat, as the case may be). Seems a storage tank was transformed into a huge can of MoorGlo Soft Gloss to promote a nearby paint store. Trouble is, it's not so easy to access, so you have to snap away through the windshield while it whizzes past, unless you take the time to do it right, like our kindred spirit WendyVee at Roadside Wonders. She got a GREAT shot of it, while mine is more of the catch-it-while-you-can-without-causing-a-20-car-pileup variety. Always nice to see something large and goofy along the open road, especially an over-sized version of something mundane (fortified acrylic housepaint, notwithstanding). I won't whitewash it -- it's truly a brush with greatness and a stroke of genius that leaves us rolling in the aisles. Don't hue agree?

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