Friday, April 2, 2010

Gym dandy: Bisbee, Arizona's retro gym equipment display

A private club. This means you, Bub.

Their state of the art high-tech equipment.

You, too, could look this good with the Signature Vari-Speed Control Belt Massager.

Who's ready for a steam?
Bisbee, Arizona's ironically quiet Main Street has a Twilight Zone-esque time-stands-still vibe that is a delight for the eccentric roadside attraction fan to walk around and marvel at. Of particular interest is the Lowell Gym, which makes it plainly known on their painted window signage that it is a Private Club. Perhaps it's private because you have to be a devotee of ancient, ergonomically incorrect gym equipment like the Signature Vari-Speed Control Belt Massager proudly displayed in their front window. If I had a dollar for every back thrown out by one of these workout wonders of yesteryear, I'd be nearing the end of my second self-financed Eccentric Roadside World Tour. Those Laurel and Hardy-era dumbbells in the window aren't too shabby either.


  1. Love it!

    I came across some of this equipment at a farm supply/antique shop in Williston, FL. Those jiggling belts were still around in the 1980s, when I had my first (and last) health club membership.

  2. When I hear Bisbee all I can think of is the Shady Dell! You didn't happen to stay there did you? If so, do tell, about the Dell!

  3. Suzanne: Hard to believe they were still using those things in the 80s!

    Betty: We weren't able to stay at the Dell, but we did stop by and take lots of pictures and have brunch at Dot's Diner. Had a nice chat with the proprietor too. I'm working on a post for the near future. Bisbee rocks!

  4. The gym equipment must be carefully and wisely chosen. Beginners have the false impression that they must look very well at the gym. They choose their most beautiful clothes and not the most comfortable. Smooth Elliptical
