Website Updating: Movie Theatres
From the 150 pages of movie theatres, these are the most noteworthy
changes. Usually, each year during this project, I find about a half dozen
sudden demol...
3 days ago
Hooray! Where in the Sunshine State?
Just down the road from you a ways in Bradenton. I don't have a permanent address yet but when I do I'd love to get in touch with you!
We'll miss you up north - and especially en route back to Mass - but "You're in Good Hands with Rick Kilby!" -
Let us know where you're putting down tent stakes - I may have some eccentric tips from my Florida map to share.
Best of luck!
Get movin', slacker!
More than a few places in Florida to visit and see. I would recommend starting with Solomon's castle and working your way outward. :)
Welcome to Florida!
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