Today, November 11, 2011, is significant in a few ways. It's Veterans Day, the U.S. presidential election is less than a year away, and it's Calista Flockhart's 47th birthday. But for the Corduroy Appreciation Club of New York City, this day is the most sacred day ever. Formed several years ago, the Club "wishes to cultivate good fellowship by the advancement of Corduroy awareness, as well as, understanding, celebration, and commemoration of the fabric and all related items. Club events are held on dates which incorporate, resemble or refer to Corduroy," according to their mission statement. These dates would be January 11 (1-11) and November 11 (11-11), and this year being 2011, well, you just can't get a more Corduroy-resembling date than 11-11-11. Today, the Club will convene at the Desmond Tutu Center refectory on 10th Avenue (what, no 11th Avenue locations available?) where the following activities will occur, according to their website:
• Dark Secret Rituals (No photography please)
• Presentation of Awards for Exemplary Usage of Corduroy
• Awards for Best Dressed
• A person (to be determined, and of some gravitas) to deliver a keynote address
• Installation of Corduroy Messiah (child – still at large! – that shall turn 11 on 111111)
• Singing, Dancing and Poetry inspired by Corduroy
• An open bar with Beer and Wines
• Additional epic and historic things
The 3 Item Rule (3 items of Corduroy must be worn to be admitted) will be strictly enforced and the meeting will adjourn, auspiciously, at 11:11 pm (natch).
We would like to wish the Club a "cord"-ual congratulations and hope they will celebrate a-"cord"-ingly and re-"cord" their ceremony for posterity.
Here's a video that the great Bill Geist of CBS Sunday Morning did last year:
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14 hours ago
You are brilliant! This cracks me up!
This post really struck a cord with me!
Thanks Denise. Takes one to know one!
Amber: That's a wale of a pun!
It makes perfect sense that 11-11-11 is Calista Flokhart's birthday. She would be the perfect spokesperson for the Corduroy Club. She is so skinny, she looks like human corduroy. Quick, Indy, get your girlfriend a sandwich!
Bill, I like it: Calista (TM) brand Corduroys, with the thinnest wale available by law.
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