Saturday, September 22, 2012

Mystery guests, enter and Sine in please

We road trip bloggers clean up pretty good. Left to right are the proprietors of FuzzyGalore, Roadside Wonders, Retro Roadmap and yours truly, Eccentric Roadside.

 Sines 5 & 10 of Quakertown, Pennsylvania, in business since 1912.

ModBetty of Retro Roadmap was there for the christening of the Eccentricmobile's bumper with one of her Retro Roadmap stickers.

At the invitation of ModBetty of the retro-tastic website Retro Roadmap, a road trip blogger summit was held last weekend at Sines 5 & 10, a 100-year-old dime store in Quakertown, Pennsylvania, and by all accounts, a great time was had by all. In addition to Mod Betty, I got to meet WendyVee of Roadside Wonders and Rachel of FuzzyGalore, all folks I've been vicariously traveling with for the last few years. It was fun putting real faces to the virtual ones and sharing a few like-minded laughs together in a cool, authentically retro, eccentric-friendly environment. Good burgers at the lunch counter, too. Hope we can all do it again some time.


  1. It was so GREAT to meet you in person. I loved that within minutes, it was like we were simply hanging out with old friends whom we'd known for years.

    BTW, your voice sounds EXACTLY as I imagined it would be :)

    Hope we can all do it again sometime!

  2. It was such a pleasure to meet you, Gunnar. And the same goes for the rest of the gang.

    I must confess that part of me is sad that we all aren't a wee bit closer together so that we could meet for coffee or diet sodas and talk of all things roadside more often.

    I'm so glad I went :) You're delightful.

    And I don't mind saying...


  3. You two (and ModBetty) are the greatest...let's do it again!

  4. I'm totally up for doing it again! It was a blast. We'll definitely have to make sure to use Gunnar's camera for all the photos - he definitely captured our most flattering angles :-)

  5. I'm sorry to have missed it; looks like so much fun! It was Community Day in these here parts, and my daughter was in her first (and likely not last) parade!
