Saturday, August 11, 2012

Don't go there, girlfriend: Greetings from Don't Go Here, Connecticut

This is the road to Don't Go Here 

 Don't Go Here? Really? Seems nice enough.

Perhaps the residents who live on beautiful nearby Lake Hayward had something to do with scaring gawkers like us away from their pretty private oasis.

Google doesn't want you to Go Here either, although they think it's East Haddam and not Colchester.

Sometimes, on the way home from visiting family in Connecticut, we'll get out the GPS and see if there are any eccentrically named streets or villages along the way. On an alphabetical street search through the town of Colchester, a real quirky entry came up. Don't Go Here. Don't Go Here? Is this a joke? This we gotta see. The GPS took us down pretty country roads and past signs for the Devil's Hopyard State Park and then, at a pleasant but extremely nondescript address, our Tom Tom announced "you have reached your destination". We have? All that's here is a country road and somebody's driveway with an ordinary house at the end of it. Why can't we go here? Does a celebrity live here? Is there an ancient Indian curse on this land? Did the GPS go a little funny in the head? When we got home, I went to the interweb and sure enough, Google has it on their map, too, but there's nary an explanation anywhere. If any Nutmeg Staters out there know what this is all about, we'd love to know. Of all the places we've been told not to go to, this is one of the nicest.

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to know the story behind "Don't Go Here" too :)

    Devil's Hopyard is quite possibly the best state park name, EVAH
