Saturday, July 14, 2012

It's a gas: Some neon signs seen along the way

A neon sign is a wonder to behold. Its retro-futuristic glow and buzz give me a warm feeling every time I see it, and there is real artistry involved with the bending of tubes into intricate patterns and breezy typography. I'm especially intrigued with old, dilapidated neon signs — those once-gleaming marvels of art, science and commerce, left to rot like so much inert gas. Here's looking at you, neon...what glows around comes around.


  1. You've got some absolutely fabulous signs there Gunnar - I'm sharing your stash with the folks on the Retro Roadmap Facebook Page!

  2. Thanks, Betty. I think I rode your coat tails to a few new "likes"!

  3. I don't recognize the Cotton Gim Seed Co. sign. Is it indoors somewhere?

  4. Hi Debra, You are correct! The Cotton Gim and Rib Shack signs are from the Atlanta (Ga.) History Center, an interesting place. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Signs could be the best decision for business promotion. Especially if you can make cheap Neon Signs. Neon signs are the best for promoting something. Because people like attractive thing and neon signs is the attractive one.
