Saturday, July 7, 2012

Get a load of this: Some laundromats seen along the way

One thing about taking a really long road trip is, sooner or later, you're going to run out of clean clothes and have to do some laundry. And in this case,  by "you" I mean Mrs. Eccentric Roadside and not me. While she toils away to get our clothes cleaned, fluffed and folded, I sit bored like a child accompanying a parent to the motor vehicle department. I've found that even a place as mundane as a laundromat can provide a few photo ops, though, albeit of the "meh" variety. So here they are...not much to Cheer about, but your loss is our Gain and All's well that ends well.


  1. Hmmmm. Any photos of the actual Mrs. Bubbles? Just asking....

  2. I believe she got the laundromat in the divorce settlement after she took Mr. Bubbles to the cleaners.
