Sunday, June 24, 2012

Heavy metal act: The giant scorpion of Exeter, Rhode Island

We've blogged about our adopted hometown of Exeter, Rhode Island and its rural, "there's no there there" vibe, so you can imagine our delight when we spotted a giant green and yellow scorpion made up of old propane tanks, engine parts and other scrap metal castoffs gracing the side of main-drag Route 3. Exeter is already an eccentric little place, what with the Middle of Nowhere Diner and Yahgoo Valley, Rhode Island's only commercial downhill skiing "mountain," but this really puts the town on the eccentric roadside attraction map. To those who ask why a predatory arthropod or why green and yellow, we would offer why put a smile on the Mona Lisa? An artist follows his muse, especially when he's got to use whatever materials he's got lying around. Our hats go off to Exeter Scrap Metal and the talented artist that put this roadside delight out there for all to drink in. You rock us like a hurricane.


  1. Exeter has gained a new claim to fame. It is the new home to underage drinking parties hosted by the governor's young son. Have another beer and let's head to the Exeter Mall!

  2. A giant scorpion, an abandoned institute for the feeble-minded, underage drinking...Exeter's got it all.

  3. There's underage drinking everywhere lol

  4. How long is it?
