Friday, May 25, 2012

Where the skies are not cloudy all day*: Scenes from Cheyenne, Wyoming

 *except for sometimes.
This was the first site we saw off the highway in Cheyenne, so we just knew the town would be cool.

They know their boots at the Wrangler shop...

...and a thing or two about buckskin, too.

The Visitor's Center is in an awesome old train station...

They're proud of their cowgirls in Cheyenne...

...just ask Jolene, Kay, Kitty or Ma.

We had a nice warm beverage at the Plains Hotel coffee shop with its great western decor...

Eventually, they opened the highway back up and we saw what Wyoming looks like in May.

Last year at this time we were on a wonderful cross-country trip through the west. We were planning on staying on Interstate 80 without any side trips through Wyoming but the weather intervened. Apparently in these parts, it can snow bad enough in mid-May to shut down the Interstate, especially between Cheyenne and Laramie, which is what happened to us. Happily, this gave us an excuse to spend a few hours in the awesome city of Cheyenne, the highlight of which was the Cowgirls of the West Museum, which we've posted about earlier. If we had known how cool this town was, we'd have scheduled a day or two to stop and stay awhile. It's not too big, not too small, and oozes with retro western charm, even on a cold, dank day. We'd love to go back, albeit when the weather's a bit more hospitable, to this friendly town that really knows how to say "Howdy, parders!".


  1. We traveled through Wyoming last October but did not stop. Now I'd like to go to Cheyenne. Yes, very cool.

    Did y'all stop at Little America in the middle of 80? It's like an oasis in the desert with evergreen trees and grass and stuff. We didn't stop and I regret it because I don't know when we'll ever get back to that part of Wyoming.

  2. Indeed we did stop at Little America and I hope to post about it soon. Got a good shot of their famous stuffed penguin!

  3. I've never been to Wyoming, tho it's on the list. Cheyenne is definitely a pin in the map after reading this - thanks Gunnar!

  4. Betty, Definitely worth the trip, so giddyap.
