Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy birthday, Leith

Today is my brother Leith's birthday and I've said it before and I'll say it again, no one could ask for a better sibling. He's also the coolest cat I know. He's so cool, in fact, I'm sure he doesn't want me to say so.

The really cool people don't become cool, they're born that way. Here's to the real deal.


  1. Wow, time flies. I remember your birthday post for him last year (with the Chevy station wagon).

    Happy Birthday to your brother who has a pretty cool little brother too :)

  2. He totally looks like one cool cat in those shades - here's to another year - for all of us!

  3. Adding my Ann-onymous (and again belated) good wishes to him!

  4. Thanks 'onymous! I'll pass along your good wishes.

    Thanks Wendy and Betty too!
