Friday, July 22, 2011

Whoa, Nellie! Cheyenne, Wyoming's Cowgirls of the West Museum

Cowgirl up.

Ben, a museum volunteer, tells of his family's Western cowgirl pride.

How come they don't make TV lamps any more?

Check out the great names on this wallpaper: Jolene, Emmylou, Ginny, Kay, Ruby, Jesse, Red, Grace, Rosa, Nell and Ma.

Berva Dawn Sorenson rocks a pair of Wrangler Blue Bells.

If the definition of a cowboy is guts and a horse, then the definition of a cowgirl should be guts, a horse and a skirt. There's an ace-high spot in the wild and wooly western town of Cheyenne, Wyoming that pays tribute just such a gal that's as fine as cream gravy...the Cowgirls of the West Museum. In it, you'll find a heapin' helping of artifacts that pay tribute to the women of the American west. At a time when a woman simply sitting on a horse could be seen as scandalous, these gals were rootin', tootin', ropin' and shootin'. There's Bonnie Gray and her horse King Tut, jumping over convertible motor cars (with passengers!) in 1925. There's Elouise Fox Hastings, who ran away from home when she was 14 and joined the Irwin Bros. Wild West Show as a trick rider. There's Prairie Rose Henderson, who, in 1911, was awarded the title of world's champion bronc rider and was known as the queen of rodeo fashion. And there's Tad Lucas, the First Lady of Rodeo and the undisputed world trick rider from 1925-33. Not a namby-pamby in the bunch. But wait, pardners, there's more. They've got buckles, saddles, costumes, hats, and spurs that go jingle jangle jingle. And you can get in to see the whole shooting match for free, donations accepted kindly. So the next time you find yourself in Cheyenne, God willing and if the creek don't rise, mosey on over the Cowgirl Museum. Not to do so would be plumb loco.


  1. This is a truly fine post. Just wanted to thank you for your continued effort to document the fun and wonderful "Americana" this country has to offer. Much appreciated.

  2. Hey, thanks Richard! High praise indeed, coming from you.

  3. This is a great museum! It reminds me of an all female version of the Gene Autry museum in Los Angeles. I LOVE that pic of the horse & rider jumping over the car. How amazing!

  4. Wow, that is crazy awesome! I have been to the Cowboy Museum in Oklahoma when I was a kid, and this looks like a great museum I need to check out!

  5. Didn't I see a late-night Showtime movie called "Cowgirls of the West"? Maybe I'm thinking of something else.....

  6. 2/9/21 Your museum sounds great! Thanks for having Berva Dawn Sorenson Taylor (1929-2013) as one of your featured cowgirls here. Daughter of a rodeo producer, she was Rodeo Ben’s choice of the perfect cowgirl for his Blue Bell Wrangler designs. Her other honors and achievements are at

  7. Howdy like the Cowgirl's site. Working to Honer our Hometown Cowgirl Sandra Day O'Connor here in Arizona's Cowgirl Cowboy Folk Country. Cowboy Gary Mitchell Godwin from cowboyfolkpopart
