Sunday, February 27, 2011

Not fade away: Fading ads seen along the way

Chattanooga, Tennessee

Salem, Massachusetts

Pawtucket, Rhode Island

New York City

Louisville, Kentucky

East Greenwich, Rhode Island

Saybrook, Connecticut

My blogging friend Frank Jump's outstanding Fading Ad Blog was very inspirational to me when I first started Eccentric Roadside and it continues to delight and intrigue. I used to not notice these old brickface ghosts of a bygone advertising era but now I really appreciate the melancholy and mysterious buzz they give off. And if Neil Young will forgive me, it's better to fade away than burn out.


  1. Thumbs up for sharing great ghosts.

    Thumbs down for putting Neil Young in my head for the rest of the day

  2. Great shots. I'm guest featuring y'all tonight. Thanks for the mention! Glad to have been an inspiration too! All the best, jUmP!

  3. Very nice.

    James Lileks calls these "Ghost Adds" and he has a lot on his site.

  4. Fading ads are one of the reasons I love walking alleys. Lawrence has some beautiful alleys to walk through, which is one of the reasons I love living here. Before, when I lived in Chicago, I loved strolling through the alleys during the day to see the beautiful old ads on brick walls, doors three feet off the ground that see to lead to nowhere - it is truly beautiful urban landscape.

  5. Beautiful~
    I think the Fort Nelson in Louisville and the Real Estate from CT. are my two favorites in the bunch.

  6. HRB: Thanks! I hadn't seen that site before and it's awesome.

    Kris: I agree...I think its cool when you can just barely see one peeking down an alley.

    Fuzzy: Thanks!
