Saturday, February 12, 2011

All dressed up and Nowhere to go: The Middle of Nowhere Diner of Exeter, Rhode Island

The food doesn't make these patrons have blurry faces...I did that in Photoshop.

My omelet was so good...

...that I cleaned my plate...

...and didn't have room for these yummy desserts.

You might see a chicken or two in the parking lot (Rhode Island does have a chicken as its state bird, after all).

They took some pretty hilarious liberties photographically on the menu with those mountains...

Here's what the real middle of nowhere looks like heading to the north...

...and the south.

There's something admirable about the modesty of a place that declares it's in the middle of nowhere. Such is the case of the Middle of Nowhere Diner on Route 3 in Exeter, Rhode Island. Exeter, 21 miles southwest of Providence, is not exactly what you'd call cosmopolitan, and that's the way the Exeterians like it. And that includes us, as we've been Exeter residents since the early 90s. We finally made it to the M.O.N. diner just recently and were not disappointed by its friendly, small town atmosphere and good grub. You might even see a chicken or two walking around the parking lot, in keeping with Exeter's eccentric rural ambiance. So if Exeter is the middle of nowhere, and I live here, then I guess I must be a real Nowhere man, sitting in my Nowhere land, making all my Nowhere plans for nobody.


  1. Masterfully segued into a Beatles song :)

    I had to giggle ... their website has the dramatic mountain view too :)

  2. That's right, Wendy...the closest thing we have to a mountain in R.I. is the state landfill!

  3. I would be careful if I were a chicken strolling through the parking lot... In Exeter, today's quiet stroll could turn into tomorrow's "Early Bird" special...

  4. HA! "Is the chicken fresh?" "Very fresh."

  5. Went there ONCE several years ago. Breakfast really sucked, runny uncooked eggs, worst I ever had. Won't ever go back there again... that's how bad the first experience was. Don't bother eating here!
