Friday, April 9, 2010

A pressing invitation: Mid-century marvel Sparkle Cleaners of Tucson, Arizona

We've posted about a few of the swell eccentric roadside attractions along the North Stone area of Tucson, Arizona, a cornucopia of mid-century architectural wonders. Another gem is the gloriously retro Sparkle Cleaners, which was established in 1961 and is re-pleat with vintage dry cleaning greatness. It's got outside walk-up service under a brightly festooned overhang and their street sign is also a retro marvel. The best touch is the tri-toned laundry counters with blond wood and diamond pattern. This must be where Jane Jetson dropped off George's shirts while they were staying in Tucson. On the left side of the building is more 50's Googie-tecture, perhaps Sparkle's sister outfit Mendel's Wife the Tailor, where right angles are strictly optional. The nice thing about a place like this is that it just seems to be going about its business without trying to be hip, cool or vintage. They are who they are, no fuss no muss. It's nice to see a great old place like this still going strong after 49 years... I'd be mighty steamed if they were ever to fold.

1 comment:

  1. The sparkle cleaners in Tucson Arizona are the oldest cleaning company in town. It has an excellent architecture and structure. The services are ideal and perfect.
