Friday, March 19, 2010

Talkin' trash: Dumpsters and garbage cans seen along the way

A Viking theme seems appropriate for chilly Duluth, Minnesota.

Moundsville, West Virginia has a mighty fine dumpster parked between the Grave Creek Mound (they don't call it Moundsville for nothing, you know) and the former state penitentiary.

The Boot Hill Graveyard offered this litter bit of Tombstone, Arizona pride...

...while the tiny town of Leith, North Dakota offeres a homegrown approach while pitching in lock, stock and barrel.

First, the obligatory puns: These places provided an offer I couldn't refuse. Therein lies the rubbish. Yes we can. I'm making a receptacle of myself so let's put a lid on it.

Sometimes when you're on a roadtrip, every little thing seems interesting and the mundane becomes "fundane." Even a dumpster can be a source of whimsy or regional pride. These are a few that caught my eye, and as the great Archie Bunker once said, if you don't like it, lump it, take it down the road and dump it.


  1. As a great lover of the "fundane" ... I give this post 2 thumbs up!

    How did I miss that lovely old penitentiary when I rode through Moundsvilee?!

  2. oops . . . too much caffeine I meant Moundsville!

  3. fundane- I'll have to remember that one.
