Friday, March 26, 2010

A rind is a terrible thing to waste: Bono's Historic Orange of Fontana, California

Just a mile or two down Route 66 from the Wigwam Motel of Rialto, California (see last post) is another eccentric roadside delight from the past. Bono's Historic Orange dates back to 1937. It was doomed to be demolished (pulverized? juiced? No, wait...crushed. Get it? Orange crushed?) until it was rescued and moved to this location next to the Bono family Italian restaurant in 1997. Unfortunately, both the stand and the restaurant are not currently in business but there is good news on this front according to the Route 66 News website:

Jay Bono, a retired lawyer, took over the family restaurant business after his mother died in the 1990s. More than 10 years ago, the Fontana Historical Society, of which Bono is a member, got word that a stand three miles east was going to be destroyed. The society moved it to a Wal-Mart parking lot, then Bono paid to have it moved to the parking area of Bono's Restaurant and Deli, where it still sits, restored but unused.

This could change. Bono has been remodeling the restaurant, adding a wine bar among other changes. He also has plans for the orange. "When I reopen this stand, I think I'm going to sell OJ out of it, like an Orange Julius," he said.

Even unopened, the stand is a merry reminder that you are driving down the awesomest road of them all, Route 66. I'm sure glad places like this still exist, orange you?


  1. Thanks goodness for peeps like Mr. Bono!

  2. Glad to hear the orange will have another chapter!

  3. This reminds me of the giant artichoke in Castroville, which had that fabulous all-artichoke plate and bags of fried artichokes to take home.

    BTW, you've made me ramp up my own "roadsiding." What a great blog you have!

  4. VR: Here, here!

    Gainesville: I would have loved to have seen that artichoke, and your blog is cool too! Thanks!
