Sunday, February 28, 2010

Signs of the times: Tucson, Arizona's Mid-century Neon

On our way to finding a celebrated Tucson muffler man (watch for a future post), we passed by some eye-popping mid-century signage. The North Stone area of town must have been a swingin' place, Daddio, back in the early 60s, if the remaining signs are any indication. It's always fun to stumble across living bygone road history, when a sign wasn't a sign unless it was neon, buzzing and huge.


  1. Those are some real beauties!

  2. You have a wonderful blog. A certain grace, alongside the beauty.

  3. Wow. That Tucson Inn sign is amazing.

  4. Wendyvee: Ain't they? Thanks!

    Susan: Thank you kindly.

    Rick: Amazing indeed.

  5. I always wonder whether neon signs aren't better during the day...

    Thanks for documenting this stuff, and in my opinion, your photography just keeps getting better.

  6. The Tuscan Inn Arizona is a beautiful place for stay and accommodations. It has excellent sign boards and services to customers.
