Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It never rains in Southern California...

There's eccentric travel, and then there's really eccentric travel. Like flooding in a desert; namely, Palm Springs, California, a region known for a sunny, dry climate 360 days a year. Southern California is in the midst of a freak-of-nature series of storms causing more rain to fall in a couple of days than normally falls in a whole year, and we're here to take it all in. We did get a good part of a day to look at the awesome mid-century modern architecture so abundant here, and things should clear up by the end of our stay. And if not, I hear Tornado Alley is lovely this time of year.


  1. Crazy weather is an understatement. I live in the high desert and it is snowing. Go figure.

  2. I guess we brought a little bit of New England to the desert, Richard!

  3. Dang, and I thought I was the only one to bring the weather with me (Paraphrasing the Finn bros.)- when we were in FLA last we were bundled up beyond belief! It's bound to clear up for you folks for sure! Crossed fingers!
