Saturday, November 14, 2009

Souvenir classic of the week: This car climbed Mt. Washington

The Auto Road is 8 miles long with harrowing hairpins, extereme bends and no guardrails.

The view from the top is a sight to see.

This Mt. Washington stickered car was spotted in Taiwan..

...and this one was seen at Joshua Tree National Park in California.

An early 1930s version of the great Mt. Washington sticker.

New Hampshire's Mt. Washington is the tallest mountain in the northeast and the third tallest in the east. It also proudly bills itself as home of the world's worst weather. If you head up the mountain on a fall, winter or spring day, you could encounter life-threatening changes in weather in a matter of hours. They have an auto road that's a little harrowing but worth it. Oh sure, the views are spectacular, but if you drive up they'll give you a "This car climbed Mt. Washington" bumper sticker. Anyone who lives in the northeast has seen this sticker thousands of times. Made of the finest vinyl, it shows you've got the right stuff when it comes to roadside attractions that require a little get up and go. The Auto Road website has a feature where readers can submit their sticker-bedecked autos from the far reaches of the planet, the furthest being Taiwan. But my favorite is a co-worker of mine's who put one on the back of his office chair, which makes me smile every time I see it.

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